Few last day of my holiday was great. We celebrated my good friend's birthday on his parent's cottage. There was my classmates and the place was really beautiful ! I actually drunk more alcohol drinks than before during my lifetime! hehe~ (*´ u `*) Long drink and drink named "Blue angel" is really good ! I'm surprised. At friday, there is one friend's birthday again so now I know what I will drink if I get someone to buy those. Two weeks that I am not under age anymore (/ ` w ´)/
That left-hand picture is taken when I was hanging out with my friends there cottage. That right-hand picture ... I just took it.
days after birthday- party, we went to watch "Pitsiturnaus" to Rauma
with Niko (classmate). We met others there. Ice-hockey is interesting
game. I haven't watch any game for years so .. Somehow I found my little "ice-hockey player"! Even if we lost game to Lukko (` A ´)
But now ... School has started again so I neef to focus on the big test that is coming. I try my best that I could get good number from that test. If I mess up those tests , I maybe don't get any place to study after highchool. So yes, I need to get good number from it
I made my calendar look more personal. Even if I made it by myself, I need to say that I like it. School is nice place. I have slept much better when I don't have so much time to think stupid things. At same time it stress me out more. Need to do homework ... read for those test ... and I have also driving school too. It ends after few weeks but still. It take pretty much time. I don't know. good and bad things /(´ _ `)\
I also have bought new phone. It's sad that my old one broke down but I needed new one. Samsung Trend was the cheaper and the best that I found. It cost something 170€. I don't keep it bad because nowadays it's possible that you need to pay more than 300€ about phone. And for this moment it has been good choice. I hope it will be that in future too.
Yes, I go tnew hairstyle. I like them ~
Yesterday this little princess visited to our place again and we went to see Jami, Janika and Mari. It was nice. She was pretty angry after I forced her to rain. But then she forgive me when she got some treats. Anyway we had nice day even if we didn't do anything special.
Next time I might tell about my own birthday or about those big tests. Now ...
- See you !
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